About Us

  • To provide all facilities of education to the widows, diverse needy women, defend & Medically Handicapped & Mentally discarded accordingly to the available to the Government Scheme.
  • To stabilesh and enhance the awareness by ladies schools & collage, Residential schools, Hostels, orphanages etc.
  • To Provide also to stabiles & run the multiple schemes as approval & run by the governments as khadi village Industries.
  • To arrange conduct the programmer for students ofsports ofvarious fypes various Levels to propaganda for the same.

To provide girl school, residential School, hostels, Library, to arrange & Make a propaganda Such & Such... To work for removal of blind faith & to educate the peoples. To start a campaign for literacy and to motivate the illarite for literacy To provide all facilities of Books for needy Students by establishing library. To arrange conduct the programmer for students ofsports ofvarious fypes various Levels to propaganda for the same. To Provide also to stabiles & run the multiple schemes as approval & run by the governments as khadi village Industries. T2qrovide facilities and helth to the naturally affected peoples and anange conferance meeting Shibirs so,g$H aware the needy persons.

Our Team




  • Shri Satish Gangadhar rao Dhage

  • Shi Arun Gangadharo Kanade

  • Shri Suresh Devidas Paradkar

  • Shri Dhanajay Bhaskar Rao Bodkhe

  • Shri Anil Bhaskar rao Patil

  • Shri Dhanajay Shriram Mathekar
